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Monday, June 1, 2009

Ideas That Spread = Success | The Best Social Media Marketing Methods 2009

The Top 2 Social Media Marketing Do's |
by Rachael Dror Chicago, IL

1. Create an app

ex. Fed Ex

Fed Ex launched an excellent social media campaign on FaceBook which was on brand and in alignment with an existing consumer need.

As you are probably aware, you can not send attachments using the messaging facility on FaceBook.

The US courier company, FedEx created a branded ap that enbaled people to “Launch a Package”, whereby they could send attachments within FaceBook.

The results were immediate: 100,000 installs in 48 hours, 1st branded app to make #1 on Facebook’s Most Active page, and 0ver 50% of users returning more than 10 times after install. -Jax Rant

SEE ALSO Bud Light's Dude app

2. Develop a Game

ex. New Balance

One engaging approach that’s been used in the past is the creation of games that revolve around a product or service. Marketers attempt to make free, entertaining mini-games that interest as much of the population as possible in hopes to get click-through traffic to their website or purchases of their product. This is exactly what New Balance has done with their Zip running sneaker and the Facebook mini-game “New Balance RUN-Dezvous” by Buddy Media.

The game itself plays a lot like the old-school, Nintendo title Paperboy. You’re out for a run, and you have to dodge things like falling plants, open man holes, street barricades, and so on. It actually looks pretty good too, utilizing an interesting, surreal style of art with a strange isometric point of view.

New Balance made their idea easy to share by adding a challenge function. Players could challenge their friends as well as other random players.

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