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Monday, September 1, 2008

Online Reputation Management Do's and Don'ts | Katz Recruiters Chicago | Musick Loss Management

Dos and Don’ts of Online Reputation Management for Business:

1. Don’t pay money to remove a comment! This is like paying for hostages, it’ll only make you a target for further extortion.

2. Do monitor what’s being said about your company. What you don’t know can hurt you. Frequently search for relevant keywords on Google such as your company name.

3. Don’t rush to respond on the host site. It can call attention to the offending comment and make it more likely to come up on search results.

4. Do respond to complaints and concerns. Silence is as good as admitting guilt.

5. Don’t engage in unprofessional behavior. Remember that prospective clients will be able to see how you conducted yourself and will judge you accordingly.

6. Do use video to spread positive messages about your company. Video ranks quickly on search results. Video is also compelling and a great tool to engage target markets.

7. Don’t wait! These reviews won’t go away on their own. Online, reputations can be easily destroyed, due to the lasting, semi-permanent nature of the internet.

8. Do produce and distribute branded informational, educational or entertaining content that is relevant to your target market. Providing content on a regular basis makes the chance of a bad review ranking in the top search results less likely.

9. Don’t hire a company who promises a quick fix. Reputation Management is an ongoing process. There are techniques that can produce fast results but without an ongoing comprehensive online reputation management strategy , the problem will return.

10. Do call Katz Recruiters for a free analysis of your web presence 630.269.3723 or send us an e-mail and include your name and contact information to

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