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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Internet Marketing 101 for Jewelers

Why is Internet Marketing Important to Your Business? | SEO for Jewelers

According to Media Screen Research,"50% of consumers with fast connections said that the internet had influenced a recent purchase... That compares to only 11% who said television commercials.... Magazine ads were even lower at 6%."

Instore Magazine reports that "With over 85 percent of consumers going online to research bridal and other luxury purchases, it’s one of the most important marketing components of your business today."

True or False?

If You Build It, They Will Come


Think of your website as a message in a bottle and the internet as a vast ocean. Customers will not find you just because you built a website. To have success online, customers must find your website. This means ranking on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing for relevant keyword searches. The higher up your site appears on the search results page, the more prospective customers will visit it.

Less is Sometimes More


The aim of optimizing a website is not just to drive traffic. Your site must draw the right kind of traffic. If a million people visit your website but they live in Guam and are not in the market for jewelry, what good does all of that traffic do you? Whether the objective is to reach customers in your local area, or to sell jewelry online, the right internet marketing strategy will help you achieve your goals.

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